Secure exam solutions trusted by schools worldwide

this is dugga
better grades
increased wellbeing
knowledge retention
saved time
maximize exam efficiency
Auto-generate Exam Questions
In-built Accessibility Tools
Enterprise Security
High Security Lock-down
Remote & Automated Proctoring
Seamless LMS Integration
why educators choose dugga
ensure maximum exam security
Prevent cheating and safeguard data privacy.
improve assessment efficiency
Save time (98% on average) and improve knowledge retention (75% on average).
ensure successful adoption
Our easy-to-use platform integrates seamlessly with any LMS
auto-generate exam questions + grading guide
use Dugga in Teams and Google Classroom
You can sync all of your schools, teachers, students and classes when you integrate Dugga with Teams and Google Classroom.
“We believe that we can dramatically improve quality and equality in education by transforming learning assessment”
Dr. Claudia Rademaker & Dr. Patrik Nilsson
Founders of Dugga
join the
dugga community
“All my students need to feel comfortable navigating digital assessments in order to build their confidence and minimize anxiety. That way they are not worried about how to take the test: instead they can focus on what is being asked on the test.”
Elizabeth Shannon, Teacher and Department Head, Sarasota School of Arts and Sciences
“One of the advantages of Dugga is that there are many different functionalities to use when creating exams, giving room for flexibility and variation in knowledge assessment. Another advantage of Dugga is that tests by default are anonymized, which ensures equality in assessment.”
Lotta Lundberg, Teacher in English and Swedish, Ekliden School, Nacka, Sweden
“With the Dugga-app integration in Microsoft Teams, it is now possible to schedule an exam for a class directly from within Teams and to add individual students to an exam event.”
Leon Geers, Director KSE, Etten-Leur, The Netherlands
“Our teachers have quickly adopted Dugga, it is user-friendly and above all, assures legal security in our tests, exams and assignments.”
Patrick Vestberg, Dean, Stockholm Science and Innovation School, Sweden
”Our partnership with Dugga enabled us to successfully conduct secure and large-scale nationwide exams. Thailand has now taken a pioneering step towards the future of learning.”
TEDET Team (Thailand Educational Development and Evaluation Tests), member of SouthEast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
“With the Dugga app integration in Microsoft Teams it is possible to schedule an exam for a class directly from within Teams and to add individual students to an exam event. We are using this. In short, a very successful start at KSE of this promising product“
Leon Geers – Director at KSE, The Netherlands
dugga is platform-independent and supports