The one-stop-solution for all types of tests and exams
Teachers, get the entire job done on a single platform: better, faster & happier! Schedule an intro and we will be happy to tell you more.
Get started with easy activation✓ Question types package BASIC
✓ AI Exam Engine + Grading Guide BASIC
✓ Anti-cheating security features
✓ Full Lock down security for high stake exams
✓ XIT Check ® security for flexible testing + report
✓ Accessibility tools
✓ Mood Tracker
✓ Sustainability Tracker
✓ Dugga Community membership
✓ Statistics dashboard
✓ Add extra features for customized experience
For an optimal exam experienceAll features as in BASIC plus:
✓ Question types package PREMIUM
✓ AI Exam Engine + Grading Guide PREMIUM
✓ AI Exam Engine tokens – Start package
✓ Plagiarism Analysis Connector (Turnitin, Ouriginal)
✓ Premium Statistics dashboard & learning insights
✓ Single Sign On (SSO) Microsoft or Google
✓ Seamless integration with MS Teams
✓ Add extra features for customized experience
customize your solution with extra features✓ AI Exam Engine + Grading Guide
✓ AI Exam Engine tokens packages
✓ AI Proctoring security
✓ Seamless LMS integrations
✓ Customized Statistics dashboard
✓ Question Bank Import
✓ Exam Content Library
✓ Parent Tutor dashboard
✓ Training packages
✓ Plagiarism Analysis Connector
✓ Single Sign On (SSO) Microsoft or Google
✓ Seamless integration with MS Teams or Google Classroom
why dugga?
Simple, flexible and integrable with several platforms in the school’s digital ecosystem (Google, Microsoft)
Part of a digital ecosystem – seamless integrations with Microsoft 365/Teams, Google G-suite and an open API for other popular learning platforms
Anonymous correction and assessment. Automatic plagiarism analysis. Equal conditions for everyone with pedagogy-driven technology
time saving
Easy to get started. Twice as fast as handwritten samples with editing function. Automatic correction and grading
5 Security Modes: Open Mode, Xit Check, Locked Mode + Possibility with Live/AI Proctoring Solution for “Remote High Stakes Exams”
collaborative teaching
Build and share your assessment library. Collaborate with colleagues for pedagogical excellence.
use Dugga in Teams
If your school is using Microsoft Teams for EDU you can synchronize all of your schools, teachers, students and classes when you integrate Dugga with Teams.

secure system
5 security modes:
Open Mode
Open Mode + Plagiarism Control & Analysis
XIT Check ®
Full Lockdown mode
Full Lockdown + Live/AI Algorithm Proctoring for Remote High Stakes Exams
pedagogical features based on teachers’ needs
Our platform offers many different question types including auto-correct question types for fast assessment. Auto-generate customized tests and exams based on the lesson material used. Auto-generate exam questions adjusted to cognitive learning levels to be assessed. Anonymous correction & grading and accessibility tools. With pen-to-text question types, you can write mathematical formulas by hand and let Dugga translate it into computer-written text, and much more!