New research shows better grades and improved wellbeing with Dugga Assessment for education
New independent research conducted at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) shows groundbreaking results which can benefit education worldwide. Whereas earlier research has shown that the use of Dugga’s digital assessment platform can save a lot of...
(In Swedish) Framgångsfaktorer för skolans transformation till hybridlärande och digital kunskapsutvärdering
8 Feb, 2022 Välkommen att delta på Duggas webbinarium den 8 februari kl 14.30-15.15. Möt vinnarna av Teacher Award 2021, Kajsa Källsen Bernhardsson och Dan Svanbom från Västerås kommun. Webbinariet vänder sig till IKT-pedagoger, rektorer och lärare som utifrån...
Ashbury College in Ottawa, Canada, appreciates the many question types and video options in Dugga
Ashbury College in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada has been using Dugga for over two years and was initially struck by the ease of use to get started, says Lisa Bettencourt, who works as a Technology and Innovation Coach at Ashbury College. Due to the pandemic, Ashbury, like...
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