say hi to your AI Exam Engine in dugga.
exam questions in a sec

better grades
increased wellbeing
knowledge retention
saved time
NEW! AI Exam Engine
We are proud to announce the launch of the Dugga AI Exam Engine. This cutting-edge technology will enable teachers to generate high-quality, diverse and engaging questions in one click, and save time compared to when done manually. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is becoming increasingly popular and we are leading the way in implementing the latest technologies to improve student learning outcomes.

create exam questions in a sec.
select question type
The Dugga AI Exam Engine can create exam questions in different question types.
select criteria
Select the criteria needed.
Click on generate and select which questions you want to import to your exam.
save the world, one dugga at a time
Simple, flexible and integrable with several platforms in the school’s digital ecosystem (Google, Microsoft)
Part of a digital ecosystem – seamless integrations with Microsoft 365/Teams, Google G-suite and an open API for other popular learning platforms
Anonymous correction and assessment. Automatic plagiarism analysis. Equal conditions for everyone with pedagogy-driven technology
time saving
Easy to get started. Twice as fast as handwritten samples with editing function. Automatic correction and grading
3 + 1 Security Modes: Open Mode, Xit Check, Locked Mode + Possibility with Live/AI Algorithm Proctoring Solution for “Remote High Stakes Exams”
collaborative teaching
Build and share your assessment library. Collaborate with colleagues for pedagogical excellence.
