Reinventing Education together with Dugga Assessment
Special BettFest 2021 offer
Dugga makes its platform available for BettFest 2021 attendees to enable digital assessment for schools worldwide!
Many schools and teachers are already using Dugga’s assessment platform today. In relation to the Bettfest 2021 Dugga offers access to its platform to all teachers, schools and universities in order to enable digital assessment such as tests, exams and assignments, in-class or remote.
Dugga enables all types of assessment for your school
Dugga’s assessment platform allows teachers to create, schedule and conduct lessons, exams and assignments online. In a simple way, teachers can create exams, tests and assignments for their students and provide feedback, upload movies, audio files, pictures, links and other material.
School license – free 3 months trial period
Access to Dugga’s specially developed school license Dugga provides schools the opportunity to conduct various types of digital tests, assignments and lessons and is offered to new users of Dugga. The Dugga school license runs for a period of 3 months so that schools can ensure that teachers and students have access to an easy way to get started with digital assessment.
Teacher license – free 3 months trial period
With a teacher licens, individual teachers can now benefit from a digital examination platform for all types of tests, assignments and exams within a familiar, safe and easy-to-use environment.
How to get access to Dugga
Schools who are not yet customers of Dugga can simply apply for the free trial license and start instantly. Simply, fill out the form by clicking the button below. We will contact you soonest with information about how you and your students can start with digital assessment. If your school has Microsoft 365 and SDS (School Data Sync) or Microsoft Teams, you have the option to use our integration for SSO (Single Sign On) and user administration. You can then also use Dugga’s Microsoft Teams app.
Individual teachers who want to start with digital assessment can also get access to a free teacher license without waiting for the entire school to sign up.
Get started with digital assessment – Dugga is easy to use and has tutorials in place about how the platform is used. Easy onboarding with our intuitive design and Dugga Wiki at your finger tips.
Get Dugga’s free School license for your school or Dugga’s free Teacher license for individual teachers and get started by clicking the button below!
how Dugga works:

Listen to the podcast!
This podcast interview focuses on product innovation that has the power to transform education by taking out bias. An interview with Claudia Rademaker, Co-founder Dugga
Listen to the story behind Dugga, its research, product development and growth into a product used by schools worldwide.


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