Dugga och Gleerups inleder banbrytande samarbete
Edtech-företaget Dugga och läromedelsförlaget Gleerups har inlett ett samarbete som revolutionerar skolans arbete med digitala prov. Därmed finns nu färdiga prov från Gleerups digitala läromedel tillgängliga direkt i Duggas provplattform. Detta möjliggör en säker,...
Learning Plus Vietnam Chooses Dugga
A warm welcome to our new customer, Learning Plus in Vietnam who has selected Dugga for its seamless end-to-end solution, covering the entire assessment cycle. We’re happy to contribute to their ambition to improve quality and equality in education. We’re...
SMSIS Recognized as a Dugga Ambassador and Pioneer in Digital Assessment
We are thrilled to highlight one of our valued customers, SMSIS, as a proud Dugga Ambassador! SMSIS is recognized as a ‘Pioneer School in Digital Assessment’ in Brunei Darussalam, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards educational innovation. This...
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